Across Canada
It is a huge disappointment for us when we find that the Children's Museum at The Forks is closed for maintenance and training. What a let down! This is the place we promised ourselves we would come back...
Another extremely early start and while we have seen this part of the highway, it is now dark and so who is to know. The sun does come up sometime and reveals more trees! Lawrie spots a bull moose and...
What a lot of driving ... a very big drive! We left Koshlong Lake Monday morning at 9ish and managed to get to a nice and very quiet Provincial Park near Cochrane. We had planned to stop at Kap Kag I Wan...
After leaving the Ottawa area, we are cross country bound for the Haliburton Highlands and Koshlong Lake where our daughter-in-law's parents have a cabin. We are welcomed as once again we bring the sunny...
We bypassed this Canadian icon of museums when we were here before. But now we needed to drop a book off at Julia's and do a few other chores so we thought we might as well spend a few extra hours and...
Camped once more in Quebec City, we take a day to visit the north shore of the St. Lawrence where there are at least four economuseums. They are located in or near the town of Baie St. Paul and the...
Upon leaving New Brunswick, we were able to hook up with a friend of Lynn's who also has a wandering foot. Jean Carey is also on extended leave from work and has recently returned from a trip to...
We have decided we really do like Nova Scotia, well, the Maritimes is pretty special, but Nova Scotia especially. Now what do we do? Well, it will be a while before we decide so who really knows. Those...
Does this sound like a lawyers' firm? I kind of thought so! But it isn't, it is the place, the people and the big attraction of the these three or four days. I thought we could give you a bit of an...
It is such fun getting up at 3 or so in the morning and not sleeping again until the next day at 1 am! Exhausted by then and most of the time in between was occupied with doing very little. Hmmm, ferries...
We spent last night in the Wal Mart parking lot in Clarenville. This is our first time and we had promised ourselves that we would do this at least once during our trip. Campgrounds in this area are few...