Our trip to Scotland was our honeymoon. A two week whirlwind driving tour. A lot of fun, great memories, and probably the trip that solidified our thought that we might like to travel. We did lots of planning before-hand but didn’t read a lot of the history. We spent a lot of time in graveyards and castle ruins. The countryside is beautiful but totally different than Canada. Don’t travel to Scotland for the food, it is pretty bland. We were somewhere different every night and stayed in whichever B&B that looked nice. Because of the time of the year we didn’t book ahead, but that didn’t cause us any problems. In hindsight though, it would be better to locate in one area for a number of days and just do day trips. You can waste a fair bit of time with packing and moving location every day.
Some day I hope to scan in some of the photos we took and include them here. That may take some time though, so don’t hold your breath.