Oops … we were supposed to vacate Casita Sur on Sunday! Nice guy Abraham gave us a special one night rate, so we didn’t have to spend our last night out in the street. And Abel arrived exactly on time at 6 am this morning.
In the meantime we had a very nice last couple of days as you can see from these photos.
Excellent flight from Cancun to Toronto. Customs was completely empty when we arrived and I think there was a customs officer at every single security kiosk … this is unheard of in Toronto. I was amazed and delighted too! Good job Pearson International and Customs Canada. Now we needed to figure out what to do with seven hours. Problem here is that it is a holiday Monday. Not exactly a good night to find something interesting to do. So we found a couple art and museum displays at the airport to look at, both well worth the time spent. Had supper, wandered about and played on the moving walk ways and then decided to sign up for a days’ internet access and update the blog!
After our red eye flight to Vancouver and then all day there, we will arrive home at about 7 pm tomorrow. We are looking forward to a vocal greeting from the Os and sleeping in our own bed. All this is to say we enjoyed Mexico, but are going to be glad to arrive back at home.
Yes there is a theme to these pictures … silly titles and multiples! This is what happens when one has way too much time on their hands. Cheerio!
You might call those photos silly…but I disagree. I think you SHOULD be taking MORE of those types of photos. I think they’re great. Good work mum!