I guess technically we have been ‘Going home’ since we left St. John’s Newfoundland, but now it really feels like we are in fact on our way home. Yesterday we zipped through Mr. Lube to ensure the truck is up to the last 2,500 kms. Then we accomplished a few other little chores and finally left Calgary by 1 pm. The road is bare and dry today and that is a good thing! We stop at IKEA in Edmonton for a couple hours and then decide we will continue until we get to Whitecourt. This plan is a good one and the road stays good until we get there, though it does snow for about the last hour. Winter has arrived in a big way from here on. We leave Whitecourt at 10 am and arrive in Fort St. John by 3:30 pm.
The day and the road was lovely until Dawson Creek, then for the worst part of the road, the weather got ugly. Fortunately Lawrie knows how to drive in these conditions and we arrive, nerves intact, and in one piece.
The Ramada gets our business tonight as showers are a must and we want an early start tomorrow. The fact they have high speed internet is a nice bonus and the only reason I’m sitting here composing an update! Hopefully we make Liard Hotsprings tomorrow and perhaps Teslin or even Whitehorse the following day.
We are home … and it is good to be here. We will do a wrap up entry after the shock has gone away! The work of resettling in is taking way longer than I expected and it is eating into my knitting time!