Today dawns beautiful bright and sunny.and stayed like that all day. We went to the Salton’s Marine Interpretation Centre and enjoyed our visit there very much. They have a touch tank (you can reach in and touch the starfish, scallops, crabs, mussels, sea urchins, etc. etc.) and I had a great time taking pictures especially after I remembered how to turn off the flash (Thanks John Neatby!) They also had a few other very neat tanks with codfish, crabs, flounder, starfish and other stuff. There was an underwater camera you could use to look around out in the ocean too. Lots of fun and very educational!
So that was Terra Nova, one really should have planned on two more days and done some hiking, or kayaking.
But instead we leave the park on our continuing trip east, intent on exploring away from the #1 Highway today. So we head down highway 230 and then 235 stopping at Ryan’s Premises in Bonavista. Ryan Premises National Historic Site depicts the rich history of the fishery and its impact upon the people of Canada’s east coast. Bonavista is a regional distribution centre making it a rather large outport. Oh, John Cabot landed here in 1497, and that makes him the first European, or so we thought.