Yesterday we spent a nice day driving but we made a mistake and put some yesterday pictures in with the day before … oh well, we never said this was a daily journal, or that is would be picture perfect! We did go from River of Ponds to Grand Falls-Windsor and that is where we pick this up. It rained all night, without ceasing once, and we aren’t talking drizzle either, rather torrential downpour! But that is just fine, it quit when we got up. We spent the morning doing chores and by 2 pm we said goodbye to Grand Falls-Windsor, unfortunately without seeing the falls … oh well, another time, another trip! We drove, or rather Lawrie drove and I knit, to Terra Nova National Park. We chose to stay in the very under used campground of Malady Bay. A very quiet campground where Oscar and Oreo enjoyed an extreme quantity of freedom. During the evening I drove us around some quaint and charming coves and villages. These villages include the most photographed spot here, a place called Salvage, pronounced with a long ‘a’ as in ‘age.’ This is the oldest European settlement along this part of the coast and is a classic outport with wharves, stages, fishing boats ad fishing paraphernalia.
Grand Falls-Windsor
Across Canada