Everyone we run into keeps telling us that we have to visit the Gorge in Launceston. So off we go. Besides we need to update the blog, do laundry and pick up some groceries for supper because I went and invited our innkeepers for supper.
Finding an open, unprotected wireless site proved to be a bit of a problem. But find one we did. Finding the suds and clean was not that much of a problem and then finding the Gorge proved easier still. We too would like to add our names to those who recommend visiting the Gorge. It is a very impressive site. A picture writes a thousand words so I will say no more.
Groceries were selected and after a wonderful few hours re-visiting Launceston and the surrounding countryside, we find ourselves back at the Stables. Nicole and Innes, our innkeepers, stop by and a wonderful evening is spent talking about our respective countries. After one too many beer and one too many chicken kabobs, it’s off to bed for an early departure back to Launceston for the start of our cycling trip. Our first weeks impression of Tasmania? Well it’s hard to find the right words but spectacular, refreshing, scenic, clean, warm and friendly all come to mind. Lynn even says that of all the places we have visited, Tasmania is the only place she would immigrate to! High praise indeed!